To make this year's Sr. hockey memory books. A few of the boys have made the papers, so I have those articles to include in pockets in their particular albums.
Simple materials - this Urban Prairie, Bluebird from Basic Grey looks like ice that has had skate blades over the top, so will make a perfect base. Also picked up several packages of tape from to put everything together. Scrapbuck has been great to help me stay on budget for these books. I use this tape for the inner parts of the album, but still go back to Scor tape for the covers. I like scor tape for chipboard or coated surfaces, but love this less expensive alternative for building the books. It holds great for paper. Also found these cute little tag books. I bought multiples to be sure I have enough as well as some clearance hockey paper and some more miniature tags from Archivers to include. Taking a break for a few days from my album to work on these.
Then some wonderful ladies over on the Cricut message board are helping me out by cutting the team images I need for this project from a cartridge I don't have. I will try to remember to post pictures of the final albums. They won't be large - after all these young men are off to college and there is a good chance these won't go with them. However, they will be designed to fit/store nicely on a shelf. Prior years players tend to take them once they move out of their houses.
Quick puppy update - they are growing fast! Back when we got them.
Six months old now and growing to be even more fun and useful! These giant puffballs are a blast outside, they learn quickly and are very intelligent. They love the weather - the colder, the better. It was -7 and windy the other morning and we figured they would be in the barn with the cats out of the wind. Nope, these two were laying outside spread across a giant snowdrift just relaxing. If it is snowing, they prefer to stay outdoors rather than in their wonderful barn. These two hit panic mode when taking to the vet - basically they turn into heavy dead weight and don't move - flooring makes them nervous. Luckily, only one more visit (at spaying time) and then our large animal vet takes over their care. They guard their turf well even at this young age and it is exciting watching them learn new duties (they are Great Pyrenees Mountain Dogs in training to be our livestock guardians). Their favorite pastime right now - playing king of the mountain and digging tunnels in a few different large piles of snow we have right now.
These dogs are so cuddly/awesome.I'd hate to be feeding them!