Thursday, January 10, 2013

And the Senior Albums are coming along

First things first - double check my pattern - my notes on build-a-page albums, my sample and some work in progress.  The Build a page is design by Kathy Orta.  

Next - finish a sample page and it is time to assemble the various kits I will be using.  I use various tapes and Scotch adhesive to build these pages.

Kits assembled - paper for building, paper for decorating and various embellishments go into each baggie.  I bag things up per hockey skater.  Later, I will add photos and such, but parents are still tagging them for me. Their newspaper articles will be added at that time too - as well as some other items.

Here are the contents (almost all) of one kit - papers, embellishments and adhesive.  I put the main adhesive I will use into each bag.  From experience I know I will use two rolls of this one, some liquid glue and some scor-tape.  I won't use a whole role of scor-tape or a whole bottle of liquid glue, so those items just come from my stash.

I forgot to take a picture of the pages all assembled, but here are a few of the cover going together.

Finally - the book is bound.  A few embellishments for the cover so I can check out that I have enough paper and all (I do, but just of the non-background pp).

Finally - I have to be sure the covers are right.  After the wonderful gals over on cut my pieces, I realized that one of the papers I thought I ordered, I didn't.  So, I had to adjust the size of the album a bit and the hockey sticks were a tad too large.  It nearly broke my heart, until my son had an idea - cut them apart.  Only those with this cartridge will ever know what I have done (plus I have another whole stick to use as an embellishment with a puck!  Yipee!!!!!)  Huge thanks as this is exactly what I am going for.  I forgot to put the O back on before the picture.  It will be done before the boys get their albums.
It is a bit tough to see, but the paper on the front is really sparkly/glittery.  It adds just enough to go with the emblems.  Our team is called Eagle Hockey, so the cover is perfect.  Now to finish the rest of the album - decorating pages, adding tabs/pull-outs, patterned paper, etc.

Those images turned out superb!  I am definitely going to need this cartridge in my library.  Next year?  There are currently 16 juniors skating - if that holds and we have 1-2 join for their senior year - I will be really busy!  May have to call in the reserves --- aka ladies who I hope to bring over to the scrapbooking side!  ROFL

Have a great one!3M Company CAT019 Scotch Scrapbooker's 2-Way Glue (Google Affiliate Ad)

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