First - I sort the photos - just simply with a piece of paper describing (dating when possible) what the photo grouping is for. Sometimes, photos end up in the trash at this point - unavoidable as I upload the wrong picture every now and then. I also make notes if I want to get a photo in another size.
Here is the mini opened flat - still deciding between two groups of photos - all papers for this mini are from Club Scrap. The mini won't have many pages - just because I don't have that much of their paper just yet (but I will - it is wonderful paper!). This used all the black and gray for the mini form and mats. I am using the pp for the rest.
below are some of the patterned papers
hmm - photo isn't rotating, but this is the front of the mini - for the moment. I am still working on parts and pieces.
This turned out just lovely! Great job.