Monday, January 5, 2015

My Reunion Kit by Club Scrap and More!

Well, I have to admit.  When I first opened this kit and was very unimpressed.  Not with quality -oh, no - I love their papers - the feel and richness of them.  The plains always have me :).  It was the patterns.  Oh, boy - How will I ever use these patterns?

A bit of background - circles on pages - never have been a big fan.  These papers were full of circles!  Then the rays going all over the place - what was I going to do?  I remembered reading of someone else on their site with the same dilema one time.  So, I got out the ALSB (assembly line scrapbooking) instructions and decided to try it out.

Boy was I surprised!  Love these layouts (ok, I will admit, one of them I didn't like so completely changed it up after finishing the other 12 pages).  I started with the Reunion Kit plus embellishment pack.  I do love the plains, just the pp left me wondering.

Here are my results:

The first one is the only one I completely changed.  The others may have minor variations.  Overall - a lot of fun putting together and now to get the rest of the photos added.

I liked a few of the basic layouts so well, I decided to make my own kit and try something similar.  Here are the contents -- I did just put entire packages rather than pulling out x number of items. I made die cuts from my cricut elegent edges cartridge.

results coming soon.  Below are some cricut cuts - I am having fun playing with that again as well.

Finally - one of the short projects I will demo/give instructions for at the Scraprageous Forum's Online Crop January 26-February 1, 2015.  The original instructions from a mini Jo Ann's had on display (out of instructions, but I took photos) and then I found about 6 you tube videos for this min - all different instructors, so I did not create the instructions, just going through what others have taught.  I think it is called a flip book mini?  I don't remember - sorry.   Basically, I found a video that had measurements I liked (used least paper for most layout area) and went with it.  I made a few size adjustments on my own and then had this fun album!

It was a lot of fun and can be created with just 3 sheets of cs and 3 sheets of pp.  Mini is approximately 6x6.

There will be a couple other mini's demonstrated - one page 12x12 mini album, diamond mini, and more yet to be revealed!

Layout challenges, tag tutorials and challenges, and much more!  Sign up and we will see you then!

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