Below are a few photos - I found the tags at Archivers last week and the additional paper line is from DCWV Heirloom Paper Stack. Having a blast with this - my plan - put good memories from each week into different pockets. There are 68 at this point. Then I have it to look back on if I am feeling down.
I will continue to alter pages/pockets and add throughout the year. Definitely looking forward to this.
Calling all Scrapbook Swappers. Have you ever wanted to try out being a hostess? Scrapbooking Fun.Biz is currently looking for a few more hostesses. If you would like to try, register at the site and then send a PM to Scraprageous (aka me) with a few of your qualifications. Thanks for your interest!
If I am on another board with you, feel free to ask me through that board too.
Ohhhh this is awesome!!! LOVING the colors and pockets!!!